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AHC Autos


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AHC Autos(圖1)-速報App

Here are four good reasons

Everyone has different reasons for choosing AHCAutos® to carry out accident damage repairs to their vehicle or even general maintenance to their car or property.

These are some of the main ones:

"AHCAutos® repair, AHCServices®"

We're a sister company of AHCServices® - a large family run group of companies who have achieved success in many sectors over the last 15 years. We operate to the same high standards so you can be sure that your vehicle or property is in safe hands.

Ease of arranging a repair

Arranging an appointment to get your damaged vehicle repaired is fast and simple. Either online via our booking portal or we work with you to agree a date and time that suits your situation. In the case of our mobile repair service that flexibility extends to location too; we can do the work at your home or workplace. Dont forget we have two fully kitted out bodyshops in Oxford.

Friendly, professional staff

Read reviews of our service on the web and you'll find that we are often complimented on the friendliness and expertise of our staff – both those on the end of the phone and the technicians who carry out the work.

Our customers also like the fact that we keep them informed about what we are doing and appreciate the quality of our workmanship.


The quality of our work

We aim to complete every job to a very high standard. We pay a great deal of attention to getting the best possible finish so that you would never know there had been any damage.

Plus, our work comes with a lifetime guarantee.

The quality of our work is guaranteed. Our quotes are guaranteed. And our technicians are trained to the highest standards. Which means you get absolute peace of mind, because if you're not happy with our work, we'll fix it.

AHC Autos(圖2)-速報App

Here are the standards we meet:

All our work adheres to British Standard BS 10125:2014 the industry-accepted specification for vehicle repairs

All our Repair Technicians have extensive bodyshop experience and are qualified to IMI standard

All our work comes with a lifetime guarantee

We guaranteed a price before we start any work meaning there are no nasty surprises

Peace of mind

Publicly Available Specification British Standard BS 10125:2014 is the industry-agreed technical specification for the process of vehicle repair.

Environment and wellbeing

At AHCAutos® we genuinely care about the environment. That's why we are continually assessing our impact and looking for improvements, however small. We also believe that looking after the wellbeing of our technical staff is imperative. Here's how we go about it:

Mobile rigs are equipped with extraction and filter systems which minimises the environmental impact of the gasses released during the painting and drying process

Chemicals are stored in accordance with all statutory requirements

Optimatics system that enables us to minimise the fuel we use and measure CO2 footprint

Vehicle speed limited

Technical staff all use appropriate personal protective equipment

Technical staff are regularly assessed to ensure that they are fit and well, including urine and lung function tests

Reducing impact through new technology and equipment

支援平台:iPhone, iPad